Nestled in the small Italian village Cupramontana is the restaurant La Tavola Anita. During a family vacation Cathy and her family stumbled across this tiny restaurant in the local village, famished and waiting for their rental to be ready.
To their surprise, they delicious food was not only cooked by the elderly Anita but also served and they learned it had been this way for decades. Our new pattern Anita is inspired Marche, the utterly charming Anita and the village market in Cupramontana.
For this collaboration, Cathy developed the new colorway cedar green to match the Spring Green SALIG Base. Such a fresh and fruity composition! Imagine a popsicle at a summer party. Want a bite?
Do not wash the lampshades. Use a soft furniture brush or a dust wand when cleaning.
- Please note that direct exposure to sunlight will bleach the fabric over time.
- Salig Studio recommends using a matte bulb so that shadows will not reflect on the shade.
- Measurements may differ since the lamps are handmade.
- The lamp is CE marked.